Youth Services



The National Youth and Sports Conference is an annual event in the Ministry of Youth and Sports calendar. It is organized to bring together youths from various divisions, affiliates of National Youth Council, faith based organizations, NGOs, CSOs, Youth Coordinators, Youth Workers, youths in tertiary and key stakeholders from the different agencies both private and public sector and UN agencies.

These different sectors and stakeholders are brought together to deliberate on cross cutting issues that affect youth in Fiji. Particular focus is also on encouraging youths from isolated rural areas and outer islands to attend and participate in the conference that provides the platform for their voices to be heard.

Objectives of the Conference comprise of the following:
 To create a forum to discuss and maximise youth participation from divisions to share experience in the thematic areas.
 To collaborate with both local and overseas facilitators to consolidate divisional resolutions and inform policy formulation.
 To discuss ways the thematic areas of the conference can be integrated into a community approach in partnership with stakeholders.
 To establish linkages with respective stakeholders in the exhibition booths that is showcased.
 To recognize youth for their contribution towards youth and sports development by receiving awards.

Thematic Areas:
1. Quality Education for sustainable youth development
2. Enabling prosperous development through youth entrepreneurship
3. Empowering Youths through Information, Technology and Communication
4. Rights based approach to Sexual Reproductive Health
5. Sports as a Tool for Advocacy
6. Sustaining Culture in the 21st century