Youth Services



Seeds of Success grew out of the Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) programme adopted by the Ministry of Youth in 1995. PMA was based on the work of Napoleon Hill, a young American who interviewed wealthy American businessmen in order to understand the attitudes and behaviors that led to their success. The Positive Mental Attitude has 17 principles taught by the Ministry and were taken directly from Hill's work, with brochures and posters based on these principles.

The programme was reviewed in late 2007 and reformulated, using the following criteria:SOS

To make the programme especially relevant to Fiji's youths and their life situations, based on a new definition of success;

Adapt the programme more effectively to the Fijian context – the cultures of Fiji and the social, political and economic context;

Make the spiritual and values basis explicit, without identifying with one particular religion.

Training Goals

Increase youths' confidence and self esteem.
Motivate youths to live and create productive and satisfying lives.
Increase youths' potential for success in their work and in their personal life.

What Do We Mean by Success?
What would we like for Fiji youths? Ministry staff, stakeholders, and other community leaders proposed definitions of success for Fiji youths. The key elements of these definitions include the following:

A change in mindset toward becoming more self-reliant, honest, trustworthy, open-minded, law-abiding, and respectful of others; understanding the purpose of life; feeling that they can be somebody, whether or not they have an advanced education.
Realizing one's inner potential and putting it to use – setting goals, taking initiative, making positive changes, putting their skills to use including using money well.
A change in life situation – achieving goals, generating correct output, getting employed, becoming a qualified tradesman.
Becoming productive members of society.
Being successful at whatever they do.